Sunday, October 19, 2008

Take Action

  • Vote NO

    It all comes down to this. Make your voice count by voting No on Prop 8. Last day to register is October 20th!

  • Donate

    The fight to defeat Prop 8 is going to be hard-won. Our opposition has a war chest of millions of dollars, and we must match them dollar for dollar. Every dollar counts, so please contribute today and again in the coming weeks.

  • Volunteer

    This effort takes committed individuals working hard at the grassroots level. We need volunteers from across the state to hand out information at local events and make phone calls to voters educating them about defeating Prop 8 - the marriage ban.

  • Stay informed about the fight against Prop 8

    Subscribe to this site and get news you can use and forward to your friends and family, and post to your social networking profile. And check back often to get information on our new television commercials and updates on leading newspapers and community organizations that announce their opposition to Prop. 8.

  • Spread the word

    One of the most effective ways to help in this fight against Prop. 8 is to reach out to your friends and family and tell them why you oppose Prop. 8. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper speaking out against an initiative that is discriminatory, unnecessary and unfair. Submit an article to a newsletter or blog. Speak out on your personal web page or your social network profile. Change your email signature to include a No on 8 statement and a link back to this site. Write an email to your entire list at least three times between now and election day, urging your friends and family to vote NO on Prop. 8.

  • Plug in

    View photos, watch videos, and download all of your No on 8 materials here to show your support for marriage equality in California!

Mayor Villaraigosa: Contribute to No on Prop 8

Mayor Villaraigosa: Contribute to No on Prop 8

Los Angles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa just contributed $25,000 to the No on Prop 8 campaign and is challenging our community to stand up and dig deep to contribute whatever you can afford.

With two new polls showing Prop 8 receiving more support than opposition, and the No on 8, Equality for All campaign down up to $10 million to the opposition, our challenge is clear. We have to get our message out to the voters that civil society demands that we uphold – not eliminate – fundamental rights. All Californians deserve to be treated equally – government exists to protect individual rights, not to undermine them.

The campaign needs critical and urgent resources to match the other side on the airwaves and turn the polls around. With ballots in millions of voters hands already, there is no time to lose.

Please contribute to Equality for All, the official No on Prop 8 campaign via ActBlue, so that the campaign can continue to get the word out to Californians to vote No on Prop 8.

No On Eight

Prop 8 is a proposition being considered in California. It eliminates the ability of same sex couples to marry. Even if they have already been married in a court of law. We at Straights Against Eight are opposed to this proposition.

We don't care if you are straight or gay, but Straights Against Eight rhymes and we liked it, easy to remember!

I'll be posting resources for those of you wanting to help fight for human rights in the state of California.

-If you are a resident of California, Vote NO. Vote NO on 8. (A YES vote would support the constitutional amendment and would FOREVER define marriage as between a man and a woman.)

-Regardless of where you are reading this from, talk or email your friends and families in California and ask them to help.

-Regardless of where you are reading this from, if you have a blog, write a post about your feelings about Prop 8. You never know who will be reading it!

-and finally, DONATE! More money means more advertising, which, unfortunately is what usually wins elections.

I will post blog links, resources and ideas to help get the word out.